Upcoming events.
Holiday Social
Come join Members as we prepare for the holiday season. Learn how to tie bows for swags on street signs or just spread some cheer. All are welcome.
Planting and dividing perennials
Place TBD
Planting and dividing perennials for an exceptional garden in 2024.
Outdoor Picnic
Long Look Farm Event Venue in Sanbornton.
Bring some food, drink, and a positive attitude and enjoy this amazing venue with the Garden Club. More information about Long Look Farms can be found here.
Invasive Species- Stop invading my garden and my thoughts
At The Hub
A collaborative program with the Andover Conservation Commission on invasive species
Free for everyone
Mother’s Day Floral Arranging Workshop
At The Hub
Presented by Amanda Swendson.
$10 per person to cover supplies.
Business meeting & seed starting
At Andover Elementary Middle School.
Spring Ledge Farm visits the Garden Club.
Go home with your planted 2x6 pack. Business meeting and Spring Ledge demonstration free. $10 per person for seed starting.
Event One
Wintergreen botanicals, Maria Noel Groves, The Secret Lives of Garden Herbs, $10 per person